I am a working comic and I am always traveling all around this great country, mostly in the northeast, and one thing I enjoy the most, outside of performing, is meeting so many new and nice people. I have always been a people person and being a comedian/musician my entire life has afforded me this great pleasure. There are so many nice people out there. I especially find so many fantastic people doing such great things all of the time because most of my shows are Comedy Fundraisers for all sorts of organizations. I do tons of Firehouses, PBA's, Elks Clubs, VFW's, American Legions, First Aid Squads, Moose Lodges and hundreds of youth organization program fundraiser shows. Well, you get the idea..........I mean these people that attend these shows and the people who organize them have a cause and are genuinely concerned about raising money for a great many reasons. So it goes without saying that everyone is in the best of moods. What better situation to perform comedy in than that? And to be on stage is so electric in that setting and enviornment. It's like being tapped into the heartbeat of the world. I know it sounds hoaky and all but that is what it is like for me. I absolutely love doing what I do and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. People sometimes ask me if someday I will retire. Why the hell would I do that? People in life retire to do something that they always wanted to do. I already do what I love to do and have always been doing it since I was 9 years old. I will do it until I drop or am not able to do it anymore, which will be when I am dead. That is when I will retire, and not by choice.....lol.
Anyway, I will blog on here as much as I can and I will give you my honest opinions on any subject, comedy-wise. I will keep a diary of my travels and observations and critiques of movies and other comedians and shows. I will only concentrate on the positive though. I don't like to slam people unless they deserve it, and even then I really don't like to do that unless they do something really rotten. I am an optimist mostly and like to believe in the best of people. Please feel free to ask me anything or talk about whatever you want to here. Thank you for your time and welcome to THE COMEDY TORNADO'S, 'THE COMEDY SPOTLIGHT'!!

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Well written article.
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